The fifth international AGRICULTURE AND FOOD ETHICS congress, organized every two years by the Agricultural and Food Ethics Association of Türkiye (TARGET), will be held in Antalya, the capital of Turkish tourism, on October 23-24, 2025, in cooperation with and hosted by Faculty of Agriculture at Akdeniz University.
The special subject area of the 5th International Agricultural and Food Ethics Congress will be “New Technologies and Ethical Values in Agriculture and Food System”. However, the Congress will also cover all ethical problems of the agricultural and food system based on a multidisciplinary approach. The congress proceedings will be published digitally and in print, as in all our previous congresses.
At the 5th International Agricultural and Food Ethics Congress, we hope to bring together different disciplines interested in agricultural and food ethics; and share the local and global experiences with scientists and researchers, producers and all other stakeholders of the agricultural and food system.
Our aim is to contribute to the formation of an agricultural and food system which is fair, solidarity-oriented and inclusive, human rights-based and respectful to nature for the well-being of people, society and nature and that focuses on both science and ethical values.
Based on this purpose;
• International and local academics who work on agricultural and food ethics in different disciplines or are interested in the subject,
• Producers, business people, employees and consumers who encounter ethical problems of the agricultural and food system every day,
• Public and private sector institutions, producer and consumer organizations, non-governmental organizations and professional organizations that are involved in or interact with the agricultural and food system,
• University students interested in agricultural and food ethics,
• All stakeholders who like to share insights and foster innovative thinking on the ethical issues surrounding agriculture and food systems— an economic, social and cultural area that profoundly impacts our lives, civilization, and natural resources
we invite you to participate in the 5th International Congress of Agricultural and Food Ethics.